We deliver the IPAF training program - (“The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) who promotes the safe and effective use of Powered access equipment worldwide in the widest sense”)- for platform operators, which are certified by TÜV as Conforming to ISO 18878. Successful trainees are awarded the PAL Card (Powered Access License), the most widely held and recognized proof of quality-assured training for platform Operators in the world.
We have fully equipped training facilities, both classroom, and practical training areas. Below are the available training programs and expecting to add more training programs in The future;
- Category 1a Static Vertical - Vertical Personnel Platform (static)
- Category 1b Static Boom - Self Propelled Booms (outriggers, trailers/push Around/vehicle-mounted platforms)
- Category 3a Mobile Vertical - Scissor Lifts, Vertical Personnel Platforms (mobile)
- Category 3b Mobile Boom - Self Propelled Booms
- Category PAV - Push Around Verticals
- Category H Harnesses - Harness Use & Inspection
- Familiarization courses for all Mobile Elevated Work Platforms-MEWPs such as Scissor lifts, Boom lifts & articulated booms.
- Familiarization courses for forklifts ( STILL, HELI, AISLE MASTER)
Contact Details:
+968 24597950 , +698 95413117